NEW Education Policy 2021 National Education Policy 2021:
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The Modi government has approved the implementation of the New Education Policy 2020, on 29 July. Under this New Education Policy 2020, the format of 10 + 2 has been completely finished. Under the new education policy, the school syllabus will be run according to 5+ 3+ 3+ 4, which is run according to the first 10 + 2. That is, with this new education policy, there will be a part from primary to second grade, and then from third to fifth, with the third part from sixth to eighth and from ninth to 12 last. NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020

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- New Education Policy 2020- The new structure of school education, 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 formula is as follows. ( नई शिक्षा नीति 2020- स्कूल शिक्षा का नया ढांचा, 5+3+3+4 फार्मूला):-
New Education Policy 2020 is announced
- 10+2 board structure is dropped
- New school structure will be 5+3+3+4
- Upto 5 pre school, 6 to 8 Mid School, 8 to 11 High School , 12 onwards Graduation
- Any Degree will be 4 years
- 6th std onwards vocational courses available
- From 8th to 11 students can choose subjects
- All graduation course will have major and minor
Example – science student can have Physics as Major and Music as minor also. Any combination he can choose - All higher education will be governed by only one authority.
- UGC AICTE will be merged.
- All University government, private, Open, Deemed, Vocational etc will have same grading and other rules.
- New Teacher Training board will be setup for all kinds of teachers in country, no state can change
- Same level of Accreditation to any collage , based on its rating collage will get autonomous rights and funds.
- New Basic learning program will be created by government for parents to teach children upto 3 years in home and for pre school 3 to 6
- Multiple entry and exit from any course
- Credit system for graduation for each year student will get some credits which he can utilize if he takes break in course and come back again to complete course
- All schools exams will be semester wise twise a year
- The syllabus will be reduced to core knowledge of any subject only
- More focus on student practical and application knowledge
- For any graduation course if student complete only one year he will get a basic certificate, if he complete two years then he will get Diploma certificate and if he complete full course then he will get degree certificate. So no year of any student will ve vested if he break the course in between.
20.All the graduation course feed of all Universities will be govern by single authority with capping on each course.
We can hope our education system will be at par with developed countries and future of
Under this new education policy, children will get pre-schooling in Anganwadi for the first three years. And then again in the next two years, children in class one and two will study in school. A new syllabus will be prepared for these five years of education for children. In addition, more attention will be paid to activity based learning. Inside this, children will be covered for eight years. Similarly, according to this new education policy, the first five years of studies will be completed.
- Preparatory stage: Under the NEP, classes from class three to class five will be conducted within this phase. Meanwhile, students will be studied subjects like Math, Science, and Arts. And inside it, children from 8 years to 11 years will be covered.
- Middle stage: In this phase, classes 6-8 will be taught, and it will cover children from 11 years to 14 years, in addition to this, skill development courses will be started from class six.
- Secondary stage: In this, studies of class nine to class 12 will be conducted in two phases. Inside it, subjects will be intensively studied, along with complete freedom for students to choose their subjects.
Official Tweet by PM Narendra Modi about NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020 :
Changes in higher education under new education policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020:
- Those pursuing a five-year course will get an exemption in MPhil.
- Autonomy based on accreditation of colleges.
- National Research Foundation (NRF) will be established.
- Multiple entry and exit option will be available in higher education.
- National mission set for mentoring.
- Government and private education standards will be the same.
- There will be only one regulator to get higher education.
- Legal and medical education will not be included.
- E-courses to be started in 8 regional languages
- Education will be changed for the disabled.
- Technology will be promoted in education.

New Education Policy 2020 Important Point नई शिक्षा नीति 2020:
- Under the new education policy, now the board examinations will be taken in a modular manner, now the board exam will be knowledge and merit-based, in addition to this, the theory of giving the exam has been abolished.
- All higher education institutions under NEP, except legal and medical colleges, the rest will be by a single regulator.
- Under the new education policy, students will be given certificates after multiple years in multiple entries and exit systems. And after that, the second year will get a diploma and degree after 3-4 years.
- Under the new education policy, your students will be taken the general entrance examination to get higher education or to enrol in higher universities. NTA means National Testing Agency will conduct these exams.
- The new education policy aims to reach higher education for 50% of high school students by 2035. In addition to this, universal adult literacy is to be achieved first. NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020
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- According to the new policy, a medium of mother tongue education should be made till 5th standard.
- The Cabinet has folded under the new education policy that public spending on education will be increased to around 6% of the gross domestic product (GDP), which makes up about 4.43 per cent.
- Under the NEP, schools will reduce the curriculum to the main concept. Also, the integration of vocational education with 6 will be included.
- The government aims to target the ratio of 100% gross enrollment from pre-school to secondary level by 2030.
- Under the new education policy, the central government will be the general criteria for private and public higher education institutions. Apart from this, Education Secretary Amit Khare said that till yesterday there were different standards for different standalone institutions, different universities for central universities. The criteria under the new education policy will be the same for all. NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020
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Special points of new education policy 2020:
- The aim of the new education policy is to boost the abilities of every student.
- Under the NEP, teachers, as well as parents, will also be made aware.
- There will be no difficulty, separation between art and science subjects for the students.
- Ethics, constitutional values have been made a major part of the curriculum.
- Conceptual understanding will be emphasized; in addition, creativity and critical thinking will be promoted.
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Some other important aspects of the new education policy 2020 are as follows:
- Under the new education policy, the syllabus of the institutions will be such that the emphasis will be on the development of public institutions.
- Under NEP 2030, a large multi-subject high institution will be created in every district.
- By 2040, all higher education institutions will have to create a multi-subject institution with more than 3000 students.
- Under the new policy, every institute will have the option to run open distance learning and online programs. NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020
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Read Official NEWS about NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020:
- Narendra Modi Official Website: Click Here
- Official news NEW Education Policy 2020 | नई शिक्षा नीति 2020: Click Here